Thursday, February 16, 2012


Well if you know me, and if you're reading this I assume you do, you know that I love to document things in excessive detail, so I've decided to make this blog.  I'll try to update it as much as I can while still trying to weed out the mundane (although I guess this post is a little mundane).  In the future, expect a ton of pictures, especially as I will have just gotten my new camera.

Anyways, I have now officially applied for an Early Start Semester in Irish Archaeology at University College Cork for this coming fall.  If you want to learn more about the program and get as excited as I am for it check out this link:

I really hope that I get the modules (I love how much fancier this sounds than classes) that I put on the application:

  • Introduction to Irish History for Visiting Students
  • East and West Origins of European Identity
  • Aspects of Irish Folklore
  • Introduction to Modern Irish
  • Archaeology of Early Medieval Ireland
  • The Archaeology of the Viking Age: Scandinavia and the North Atlantic

While this may seem like a lot of courses, Swat will only count each as 2/3 of a credit, assuming they all get approved for credit (good thing I have 7 AP credits as a cushion just in case).

Well that's all for now.  Oh and bonus points to whoever figures out the reason my blog is titled "Where Finbarr Taught, let Holly learn."  Super bonus points if you know it without using a search engine.


  1. All so exciting! I had to use a search engine to answer your bonus question, so I won't give anything away.... Look forward to following the blog!

  2. Haha I think everyone who has read it figured out that it's UCC's motto :)
