I probably won't be able to update as much once classes really get underway, but while I can I'll keep updating everyday.
Anyways, today was the first day of class, and even though we took a different route to UCC this morning, we found our way to Civil Engineering Room 110 for our first archaeology class. There were quite a few people already there, but the class was smaller than we expected. Our professor was great! He was very relatable and knowledgeable and he clearly knew what most of our anxieties were for the course. He went over the assessments, the material, and the field trips. Now I think I might need to get a good pair of boots though...
Besides assuaging our fears, I think we all got really excited for the course. The amount of reading that we need to do seems a little unclear, but since our tour of the library is tomorrow I think I might do some reading then.
The Stone Corridor |
The UCC Crest |
After class, but before our IDs, Kayla and I wandered a little more of the campus and saw the Stone Corridor and the UCC crest. As the rumor goes, walking across it guarantees and unplanned pregnancy and/or failing. I wonder why so many schools have this superstition... But to quote the UCC website about the Stone Corridor, "The cloisters contain a collection of Ogham Stones illustrating an early coded form of the Irish Language. These are ancient gravestones, each one marking the burial place of a distinguished person of the Celtic tribe, a chieftain or a bard, and a date from the second or third century of the Christian era - the period before Saint Patrick came to Ireland. Letters represented by grooves and notches record simple genealogical statements of the period 300-600 AD."
My Bed Complete with Photo Decorations |
My UCC Beanie and My UCC ID |
The rest of the day I spent settling in a bit more. Yesterday I had put up my photos and decorated my cork board, but for some reason it felt like today I really started to settle in. Maybe it was the ID and UCC hat that I bought, maybe it was the buying of more substantial groceries at Tesco, or maybe it was hanging out with Kyla, Kayla, and Montana in our common area, watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and eating some ice cream.