Happy Halloween! I hope yours was sufficiently spooky and candy-filled. I guess mine could've been spookier, but then I wouldn't have liked it so much.
I was sort of hoping that my professors would give us candy or something, but no such luck. Although in my history class today we did talk about demons and exorcisms so that was pretty Halloweeny. Although we did not see any footage from any because he said that it would be too disturbing.
Me as Merida |
Even though I saw very few others doing it, I went in costume to class. Although, to be fair, mine was a fairly subtle interpretation of Brave's Merida. But I'm still quite proud of making my bow and arrow out of an old paper bag, tin foil, and staples. I also made her necklace out of a quarter, tin foil, and a sharpie.
Our Kitchen Halloweenified |
In between two of my lectures today I went back to my apartment. One of my roomies got a package a while back of Halloween decorations from her mom. I went and bought a few bags of candy and proceeded to set up our kitchen in as much Halloween spirit as possible. I thought it turned out rather well. I also left notes on their doors saying "Boo! Be sure to check the kitchen for treats! <3 Holly"
The major event of the night was the Shandon Halloween Parade. If you want to see more professional photos check out:
http://www.dragonofshandon.com The four of us who went really loved the parade. It felt very Irish. It's hard to describe why, but honestly I think part of it was all the music that was playing. There were several live bands in the parade all of which were good and ghouly. I took a lot of photos so I'm kind of amazed I actually managed to post only these.
All of the Kids in the Parade were Adorable |
These Flew at Us Several Times |
She was Fantastic |
The Skeleton Band Heads to Town |
The Wings Flapped |
The Dragon of Shandon...Made of Saran Wrap |
After the parade, we settled down with a ton of candy and watched Clue and Nightmare Before Christmas. It was a pretty great Halloween this year.
Wow! What an amazing Halloween parade! And your costume was fun. Sounds like a great Halloween!